Our Software is PCI Compliant


ShopSite® shopping cart software makes protecting payment information, such as credit card numbers, a top priority. In order to protect both our merchants and their customers, ShopSite has been certified to conform to the standards established by the major credit card processing companies.

ShopSite Software is PCI Compliant

The PCI Security Standards Council operates a number of programs to train, test and certify organizations and individuals to assess and validate adherence to PCI Security Standards. In order to be a validated application vendors (such as ShopSite) must be audited by an independent auditor to ensure they pass the requirements of the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS). Once passed the application will be added to the list of Validated Payment Applications.

ShopSite version 12 has been audited and passed validation for the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS). Go to the PCI Standards Council web site's list of Validated Payment Applications to see the latest certification status (search for ShopSite in the Company name field.)

Ensuring Your Compliance

In order to be in compliance with PCI requirements, merchants must use a PA-DSS certified shopping cart which has been properly configured in accordance with the guidelines. For more information about configuring ShopSite to conform with PCI guidelines, see the PCI Security Practices section of our online help. Merchant PCI requirements also extend to practices outside of the payment application.

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