SEO Tools for Merchants

Having a web site is of little use if your potential customers cannot find it. Many new customers find products and sites by using a search engine such as Google. Designing a site so that it will be ranked higher in search results is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO.) ShopSite is setup to be search engine friendly with many features that enable your site and product pages to be optimized for higher search engine rankings.


Page and Product File Names

Static Pages with Custom File Names

ShopSite will automatically generate a page file name based on the name of the page or product you are creating. Merchants can completely control this if they prefer and can enter their own file names for all pages and product more information pages.

Controllable Image Alt Tags

Merchants can specify the alt tags for images. An image alt tag can add to the keywords that search engines see. Another benefit of image alt tags is that your images can be indexed in search engines using their alt tags and will link back to your pages and products.

Image Alt Tags

Title and Meta Descriptions for Search Engines

Title and Meta Tags

Every page and every product more information page in ShopSite has a field for a page title, page meta keywords and page meta description. Although the meta keywords aren't used much (if at all) by search engines, both the title and meta descriptions are still used for both search engine ranking, as well as are displayed in search engine results.

Google Sitemaps & Google Analytics

ShopSite has built in integrations with Google Sitemaps and Google Analytics so that ShopSite will automatically submit updated sitemaps to Google for all your pages and products, and you will be able to view your website analytics for free with Google Analytics.

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